Archive for the ‘Dane Cook’ Category


Dane Cook Makes Rude Remark Towards V.Hudgens At Tca 09′.

August 10, 2009



Dane Cook did it again this year at this Teen Choice Awards 09′! Another rude remark, but this time towards Vanessa Hudgens talking about her newest nude photo scandal. Vanessa was humiliated and the TCA audience went into shock she was seen running to her black SUV very upset and people were giving her numerous hugs. Dane your funny but not a good way to approach the situation. Will FOX cut that bit out so the general public can’t see? Cook’s remark: Now I don’t know about you but I know everyones been trying not to say anything all night about Vanessa’s new naked picture scandal, but girl when are you gonna learn to keep your clothes on?! Wow, it’s obvious he wasn’t reading off the teleprompter…. comment us!